
"The parable of those who spend their substance in the way of Allah is that of a grain of corn: it grows seven ears, and each ear Hath a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom He pleases: And Allah cares for all and He knows all things. Those who spend their substance in the cause of Allah, and follow not up their gifts with reminders of their generosity or with injury, for them their reward is with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." [Holy Quran 2:261,262]

IEC Islamic Education Center is a DBA of Imamia incorporated, tax-exempt, non-profit organization located in San Antonio TX, USA. Your donations are Tax deductible. IEC-SA accepts the following types of donations.

Donations for IEC operations. Your donation will be used to pay for the operating expenses of IEC including utilities, insurance and other monthly expenses required to keep the doors open. PLEASE DONATE GENEROUSLY!




Obligatory Khums payments on 20% of net savings. We have permission from the office of the respected marajah to collect and spend khums on their behalf.
This Zakat is obligatory for any person who is mature, sane, conscious and financially able at sunset on the last Day of Ramadhan to pay for himself and his dependents.
This Zakat is obligatory for any person who is mature, sane, conscious and financially able at sunset on the last Day of Ramadhan to pay for himself and his dependents.
Obligatory zakat payments. Please consult with our resident alim for zakat rules.

Funds are used to provide financial assistance to needy community members. Our goal is to help our needy community members get back on their feet.
Funds are used to provide financial assistance to needy community members. Our goal is to help our needy community members get back on their feet.


You can also donate via Zelle to
(Zelle available in most banks bill pay feature.)
If you prefer to donate via check, Please send it to the address below:
6819 Whitby Rd
San Antonio, TX 78240

If you prefer to mail the form, click the link below to download
Donation Form

If you need assistance, please send an email to:

Help us Build a Masjid

Our community has felt the need to build/buy another building for a new Masjid to replace our current building. There is a clear need for a Masjid that is large enough to serve the growing population of Shia Muslims in the area. This dream cannot come true without your help and it will require a lot of contributions and planning. Please contact us if you have any questions.


Help us Build an Islamic School

We hope that in the future there can be a full-time, professional Shia Islamic School in the city of San Antonio. There is a clear need for an Islamic school that serves the needs of our future generation. The number of children in our community is growing . Our vision is to build a professional private school that academically competes with other private schools in the area. This dream cannot come true without your help. Please contact us if you have any questions.


Support our Majalises

We hold special Majalis to commemorate the martyrdom of Ahlyl Bayt (AS) and celebrate their birth anniversaries and Eids. We usually bring scholars from around the nation and the world to share their knowledge with us and bless us with the "Marefat" of Ahlyl Bayt (AS). We need financial resources to make this happen. Please help us by financially supporting the Majalis of Ahlul Bayt (AS).