
Imam Ali (as) has said: "Nothing remains for a person from the wealth of this world, except that which he gives in the path of Allah."

For years, IEC-SA has been providing services to the Shi'a Ithna Ashari community in San Antonio. We also have many children enrolled in the Saturday school . It is clear that providing these services comes with certain costs and the center has always relied on the help and generosity of its community members to continue on this path.

After much contemplation, the Executive Committee has reached the conclusion that the amount of $70 USD a month is appropriate for the monthly membership per family and has created the option of having recurring payments made every month or year. Below, you can find PayPal buttons to subscribe/pay Membership fees and also a list of what specific costs will be covered by memberships. You can also donate via Zelle to and click the recurrent payment option for monthly payment of membership fees. (Zelle available in most banks bill pay feature.) Please contribute with your memberships so that our children and families can continue to benefit from these services and consider it an investment for our afterlife. Please understand that the doors of this center cannot remain open without donations. May Allah reward you for your contributions.

Membership fees would cover the following costs:

  • Masjid Utilities
  • Masjid Building Maintenance
  • Snacks for Events at Masjid
  • Special Events - Picnics

Please go to our donations page or click the button below to pay/setup membership. -->

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